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41 Movie Reviews

17 w/ Responses


I'll be honest....

At first i was thinking "This is goig to be crap." And that these people with 10's were being sarcastic. Maybe they still are, but...

It wasn't crap.

It was a really cool proof of concept for a pretty interesting technique.

I think you should roll with this concept, it's pretty cool. Most people use strobes to annoy people. You, at least i am assuming so, are using the flashing to get a really cool strobe light effect.

Work on this concept, and it could become something really interesting.

Just remember those epilepsy warnings.


Amalloc - exceptional as usual.

I've really been enjoying this series. I'm both looking forward to the conclusion - so i can see what happens, because you left a nasty clifhanger there - and dreading it because you won't be making ore of these.

This series has done some serious development and changing of pace from it's inception.

I'm almost left wondering if you had all the episodes written from the beginning or if it's just developed along the way? It seems to tell a story that has evolved in an organic way, i don't know how else to describe it.

Really really good.

I'm assuming that this is a metaphor to some similar situation in real life? But what are the rabbit and cat representing? maybe i'll find out in Step5, or maybe i just haven't realized it yet...

Thanks for the incredible work, and with such emotion! Exceptional.

i'm in shock

I can't believe that i actually watched an entry that was made by a 'krew' 'clan' 'syndiacte' <whatever> that was actually a) not irritating. b0 not stupid c) well drawn d) entertaining and e) actually worth voting higher than a 0 on.

That was not what i expected when i saw that tag affixed to the front of the name... i was expecting a two second video loop. i was expecting a piconjo. i was expecting a phallus. but not THIS.

Nice change (from the usual crews) guys, that was funny, well drawn, entertaining, and worth my time.

Keep it up.

And it doesn't look like you are abusive in your review responses either!

AxeShades responds:


Well, the title was a little misleading

It seems like it would be an entertaining flick after seeing the title, but there just wasn't anything "helish" about this one.

Mostly two's across the board, 'cept for interactivity, there wasn't any.

gfx: 3, so-so
style: 2 not a whole lot there...
sound: bland and generic
Violence: I'm tired of this category. who cares? violence is either present or it isn't...it shouldn't be a rating...but he got eaten, so 2
Inter: already covered that
Humor: wasn't that funny

toby-b responds:

i understand you if you dont think it was 'helish' enough, that was my vision of hell. please respond and tell me yours, i might make it more helish

No, i voted 1

So what...that makes me a Nintendo fanboy? no. I voted on the quality of the flash, and quite frankly...it wasn't funny. Personally i think this whole "fight over what system is better" thing is stupid...they both have their good and bad points, as does the Xbox...Seriously...

for example:
the wii has the full motion control...stuff...and is $249
and the PS3 has...um...er...blueray? that's a bonus?

Ok, i'll stop trying to get people to fill the reviews with "but the PS3 has this insanely over-hyped piece of crap!" and "so?! the Wii has THIS insanely over-hyped piece of crap!"

on another note...GET OVER THE VIDEO GAME CRAP. it is an inanimate hunk of plastics and silicone, and who the hell cares which one is better?! Sure the games are fun to play, but PLEASE just buy a console that you enjoy, take it home, and quietly play the stupid thing...and quit telling everyone why it's better and the other one's just SUCK!

But i digress...the movie, yes the movie.

It was too short, but the graphics were well rendered, kind of evening things out there...

The whole thing with the guy hanging himself...i assume because he got a Wii for christmas instead of a PS3...is preposterous, and far from funny. The directing of the flick was kindof bland...there was something missing that would have granted this a full somber mood...i'm not sure what, but it needs MORE.

Again, it was way too short. From a commercial point of view, either of these two companies tend to run commercials in the 1 minute and up category...their goal to to have something memorable, and you just cannot disseminate enough info in 30 seconds to grab the audience, and this ad would do little more than outrage quite a few people if it showed on national TV. Just not funny, and something like this HAS to be funny to make it worthwhile.


See, i love it when i vote 1 or 0 and I get the Saviour animation....

But seriously...i have to agree with Freeze99...the flick was way to short, the animation was spotty, and the backgrounds were...meh...

i mean, there's potential, but it's not being used. It's like a being in a blackout but you don't want to turn on the generator because you don't want to take the time....the power is there...is AVAILABLE...but no one has enough energy or motivation to pull the ripcord and give the juice a boost.

davidmoore responds:

lol I can do much better. Don't worry. I was hoping that this got a score of 1.61 so I could get turd. Anyway, thanks.

ok, so you have your point of view...

however, i have 6 words for you:

Have You Ever Been To Iraq?

I would be willing to wager a hefty amount that you haven't...

Next question...

Do you really trust the American media...or any other for that matter?

Let me tell you this:

I was in the middle east from 2 months before the operation officially started until a YEAR AND A HALF after it had begun, and rest assured, the photos that you showed of Iraq "before the operation" are not accurate. They are what the liberal, corrupt, shock-value media would have you believe. The pictures of after the operation began, like the burned out husk of a car? yeah, that was accurate for the beginning of the operation as well. There is a nice streach down the main hiway that leads to Baghdad where you see nothing but cars and BODIES on the side of the road, and you can see this clearly due to the fact that the guard rails and lights had long since been pilfered as scrap. Odd how all those rusty cars appeard as soon as we moved in, and soo soon after the operation began! I am very suprised that the cars could have rusted in JUST ONE WEEK in a location where the average humidity rarely gets above 20%!

You do know about the bitter conflict between the sunnis and the kurds right? or do you just have extremely selective hearing/reading? Did you know that Saddam gassed his OWN people to test weapons? What about the massacre of innocents in a very pshcyotic response to a minor offense? Sure, he had a more "peaceful" LOOKING reign, but people who are ruled by fear are not living, they are simply avoiding death. The Iraqi power grid, as another example, allowed people about 10 minutes of power a day if they didn't live inside the main city, and if "mr. saddam" would have simply shut off power to his palaces, the savings in energy could have provided much more power to these outlying towns.

When passing through a checkpoint slightly north of Kuwait, my unit passed through a "village" - if you can call it that - that consisted of a few dilapidated houses and a bunch of children drinking frm a swampy marsh - the same bit of running water that the village's sewage drained into - so yes, the children were drinking SHIT, all that was left of that once fertile region where saddam had drained all to marsh land and rivers. Not exaclty the actions of a reightous man.

I'm not trying to defend the operation, nor am i choosing a side. I am simply asking for you to observe the facts before you attempt to make a political statement that could make you look like a complete ASS. Don't trust the media. Interview a ranger. Interview a lineman, call a few british soldiers. But for God's sake DO NOT take the media reports with a grain of salt!

Please, act like an informed individual, and not an idiot before you make ascenine statements, and think for yourself.

Actual score breakdown:

Graphics: Meh

Style: oh, i have an idea! let's bash the president with a slideshow! brilliant!

Sound: Clear but irritating, innapropriate song for this case.

Violence: meh, just pictures of injuries

Inter: N/A

Humor: N/A

Overall: 3. the result of misinformation, lack of creativity, and last, but definately not least, stupidity, this flash earns a 3/10 and a 1/5.

naojason responds:

I didn't know the media held the point of view shown in this movie. I'm just an ass in general. =]

i give it a D+

Spelling counts.

Voice acting is a talent. You don't have it. Find someone else to do your voice acting. Sorry for being brutally honest, but it's true.

I can hear your mouse clicking come over on the voice over. when recording, click record, wait 5 seconds, speak, wait five seconds, and then click sound off. Then use a free, open source sound editing suite - such as Audacity (available on source forge) - to remove the clicks.

The punchline wasn't funny. Sorry, but it wasn't. Nor was the guy randomly deficating, although, i can appreciate the time that it must have taken to claymate the crap.

And, finally, what was up with the "monster" and the whole 10 minutes, 5 minutes, etc? that was a little odd.

ClayWay responds:

ok thanks dude ratings could have been a little better though.

Pro Palma Deus Unus

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