Nice, very video gamey
Good stuff, a nice loop. Beginning and end mesh almost seamlessly...I like this and what i have listened to of Echo.
On Bedlamite, both the name and the sound...well, it makes me kinda think of Megaman for some reason, not really sure why >=]
The only thing is that the piano kinda sounds...flat. Not necessarially a bad thing, but i can't really describe what i mean either...i don't know. It's good >=], the longer i listen to this the better it sounds...strange, huh? usually, the longer i listen to something the more i critique it, and get sick of it.
I like the percussion track, the mix is quite nice, and appropriate. This would make a good loop for a loader or a menu in a flash game somewhere...especially one that was either a) pixellated (but not sprites...ugh...) or b) blocky. As in big blocks. It's so much easier for me to draw things than write them...sorry...
I don't have time to go through much more today, but i will be back. Thanks for the positive review the other day!