Ok, so this is going to be a bit on the negative side, and possibly a rant.
What i fail to understand is why people go around and vote a zero on audio submissions - even if they probably don't really deserve a zero - and then fail to provide any constructive criticism, or any comment at all for that matter.
Now, I'm not saying that my music is awesome. I'm not even claiming that my music is good. But i do work a lot at making what i make, like many other people out there, and i feel that we all deserve a LITTLE feedback on our work, even if you don't like it. It's just not appropriate to take something that was ranked at 4.28 and blow it all the way down to 2 something for no apparent reason. I say no apparent reason because, obviously, whoever does this hates the work so much that they can't even bear to type a few words to explain themselves. Yes, it only had two votes, and yes, it seems like this would mean that the author self voted their work twice, but this is not always the case.
20 second OSC loops are typically spam, and most require NO work, but 3-4 minute tracks take a lot longer and require a lot of tweaking and mixing and at least deserve a comment.
I may not be perfect in my review to vote ratio, but i make a point to give a review when i vote 5, and I almost ALWAYS review on non-spam submissions to either portal when i vote 0.
Te other ranks, not so much, or i would have probably dedicated about 4 years of my life to just to writing reviews at this point.
My point is, why can't people be bothered to write a review for a non-spam submission that they heartlessly slammed into oblivion?
I think some people do that because they don't quite grasp the term "constructive criticism." If they don't like it then they say so in their votes, which is fine and all, but it would be better if people would actually put up why they didn't like it, and any ways that the said submission could be improved.